Monday, April 28, 2008 sells for $2.6 Million!

A US man has sold the domain name for $2.6m (£1.3m) - after maintaining the site for
just $20 a year since 1994.

Chris Clark, 43, accepted the offer from an anonymous bidder after a week-long online auction.

"It's crazy, it's just crazy," Mr Clark, who lives in North Potomac, Maryland, was quoted as saying
by the Baltimore Sun newspaper.

"It will make a significant difference in my life, for sure," he added.


Mr Clark registered the domain name in 1994, when the world wide web was just starting.

He had hoped that would help to get a contract with a pizza firm for his consulting company.

He sold his business in 2000, but kept paying the $20 annual fees for maintaining the domain, which he also used to sell advertisements.

In January, Mr Clark decided to sell it after hearing that another domain - - was sold for $3m in 2006.

"I thought, 'Why don't I just try to see what the level of interest is?'" Mr Clark said.

"If someone's willing to pay that much for, maybe there's more interest in"

The online auction was launched on 27 March. The first bid was $100, jumping to $2.6m a week later.

Having accepted the latter offer, Mr Clark hopes to get his windfall in a few days' time when the transaction is completed.

He said he now regretted not buying more domain names in the 1990s.

- BBC News -

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

From: The How's Yours... Corner

OK... so how's your health?

Do you have every ailment known to man and just can't figure out what to do next about getting healthy. Well, there's good news and bad news about the answer to your dilemma.

The good news is everybody out there has a plan and/or product for helping you correct whatever your immediate or long term delimma/illness/ailment/disease/disorder is. Whoa!.. I think I'm coming down with something?

The bad news is, out of all those remedy fixers, which ones are practical, safe, natural, and don't cost you your arm, leg, small and large intestines, mind, dark matter, and your life's savings. Yeap, things can look bleak some times but look on the good side and remember that old adage "if it looks to good to be true, it most likely is".

Be practical, use good common sense (they're not making much of this anymore... look at our government) and do your homework... in other words, do your due diligence... Do The Due! Get off the couch and get to work getting yourself and your family healthy. Research everything you can about living longer, better and healthier, which includes good diet and frequent exercise. You'll be surprised what this alone does for your self-image and confidence.

Nobody's going to do this for you and if you think that, I have some property underwater in Florida that I want to sell you. Just kidding... ummm, maybe not... call me!

My personal research has led me though dozens upon dozens of company's, trying to find the best of the best alternatives for "Better Health". What did I find?.. well, the best health products and natural cures I've ever used can be found at this website:

Let me know if any of these great products work for you, so we can help others through your success.

Good Luck on Your Research and Live Healthy!

- Staff Writer - Florida's Classifieds Network

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Pass Go... Collect $200 and Get A Stay-Out of Jail Pass

Just for tarting Your Own Business!

I was born in northern New Jersey on January 23rd, 1974.

I grew-up poor- single parent household. I think I had some sort of learning disability, because as a child, I could not retain anything I learned in school. I'd study like hell for an upcoming test... but as soon as I finished reading a chapter in my school book... I couldn't remember what I just read. It would not penetrate into my brain. It was extremely discouraging, so I gave up. I failed everything... even P.E. class.

I finally dropped out in the 10th grade. Nobody seemed to mind.

No matter how hard I tried, it always seemed like I wasn't going to amount to anything real important in life. And this really sucked because I had a passion for the finer things. I wanted the gold Rolex, the sporty Mercedes, and the Million-Dollar Mega Mansion!

But when I looked in the mirror, I didn't like what I saw. I was convinced the good life I wanted was just a dream.

But that was all about to change. Seriously- by the time I was 19, I had a brand-new Corvette. At 20, I had 2 brand-new Mercedes Benz automobiles. And at 21, I was the proud owner of a Rolls Royce Silver Spur!

By the time I turned 28... I made over $100 Million in gross sales. I profited over $50 Million. I owned two homes- one of them was 14,000 square feet and had a seven-car garage, a billiards room and a resort-style pool with an underwater bar! And I paid cash for the home!

In my garage, I had a red Lamborghini Diablo, a yellow Ferrari 360 Spider, a white Bentley Arnage Red Label, about 4 Mercedes, and a 12-passenger Lincoln Town Car Limo!

My checking account had over $10 Million in it. I was earning $400,000 in pay each and every week. That breaks down to $80,000 a day... or $10,000 an hour! And those figures were if I worked 5 days a week for eight hours a day, which I didn't!

In the year 2002, I made more money than the CEOs of Federal Express... eBay... Time Warner... Apple Computer... McDonalds... Microsoft... Nike... Yahoo... Ford Motor Company... General Motors... and Goodyear Tire- COMBINED!


In the May 12th, 2003 issue, Forbes Magazine listed their top paid 500 CEOs in America. Of their prominent and prestigious list of the 500 CEOs, I made more money than 483 of them.

$17,549,000 MORE than the CEO of Starbucks.

$13,030,000 MORE than the CEO of Target.

$17,225,000 MORE than the CEO of Motorola.

Now, this may all seem like I'm some rich idiot bragging about how rich I am... and you're partly correct. I am bragging! But more importantly, the reason why I'm telling you about all this is that this course is about getting rich very quickly. If the talk of obscene money makes you feel uncomfortable, or even angers you, maybe you do not really want to be rich.

The reason why I'm telling you about all the toys I had when I was just 28, is to prove to you that if an guy like me... with a learning disability... a bad childhood... and no formal education can get filthy rich by the time I was 28... you can absolutely follow in my footsteps and build yourself your very own empire of wealth!

To get the rest of the story go to:

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